Review by David on 6/26/21. Posted via Hotel Survey. Rated 0 out of 10.


box of cereal + sperlunker muffin [Or whatever his name i + a protein bar is not what breakfast was advertised. When shared with christin, she blamed it on pandemic, multiple times, blamed it on inability to hire help etc.., etc turning me into her psychotherapist with all of her dire needs, not this bfast isssue I had. She would refer my desire for reduction to owners. 1 week & % phone calls later finally caught her finding a belligerant change of tune who am I to challenge “her bfast mandated by governor” HUH!?!


Go to stop & shop down the street 3 blocks & buy a dozen fresh coffee rolls for $9.99 & some variety of box cereal that is not diabetis inducing -FROSTED FLAKES, what are we 10 years old.Yogurts were going for 59cents . How does the pandemic& lack of help cause a half hour shopping trip night before 7 minutes away??